Monday, September 21, 2009

9/21 WOD

strength: 'bench/squat,dead/pull up'

bench 1x5,1x3,(5x3) - 135,185,(225)
squat 1x5,3x3 - 135,225,315,375
dead 3x3 - 135,205,275
pull 1x5,1x3,2x1 - bw-180, bw-110, bw-50

unassisted situps - 1x50

xfit: 'PP/pushup/box jump'

3 rounds for time:
3 push presses #135
6 push ups
9 box jumps 24"

time = 2:19

Thursday, September 17, 2009

9/17 wod

yoga: 30 minutes

endurance: 'bike TT'

distance = 2.5 miles (gv)

time = 8:58pr

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

9/16 WOD

two weeks ago i was just going to take a week off of training to give my body a break. the foloowing week i ended up sick. so its been almost 2 1/2 weeks since i have worked out. and today it felt like its been a while.

strength: 'bench/squat/pull up'

bench 3x5 - 135,185,*225 (*failure: 4 reps)
squat 3x5,1x3 - 135,225,315,365
pull ups 3x3 - bw-180, bw-120, bw-90

incline situps 3x10
back extensions 2x10

Saturday, September 5, 2009

9/5 rest day

day 4 'turkish get-up challenge' #15 - 8 today = 14 reps total

day 5 'turkish get-up challenge' 1.5 pood- 10 today = 24 reps total

day 6 'turkish get-up challenge' #15- 12 today = 36 reps total

day 7 'turkish get-up challenge' #15- 14 today = 50 reps total

Thursday, September 3, 2009

9/3 rest day

day 2 'turkish get-up challenge' #15 - 4 today = 6 reps total

day 3 'turkish get-up challenge' #15 - 6 today = 12 reps total

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

9/1 rest day

week 1: day 1 'turkish get-up challenge' #15 - 2 reps