Monday, November 24, 2008

11/24 WOD

10 am
xfit: 'christine' as rx'd

3 rounds for time:
500m row
12 bw deadlifts #265
21 box jumps (24 inches)

my time = 20:44*
*fitness level goal 1: failure ( goal time 15:00)

'thruster' challenge (week4 #135) = 9 reps (almost unbroken: dropped weight on last rep)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

11/23 WOD

endurance: 'bike tt'

bike 3.5 miles gv

my time = 13:36 pr

inspirational video of the week

this week i decided to put up videos from various triathlons. i really need to keep my endurance motivation up for next season. the first race of the season is the super seal oly distance tri on april 6th. i don't want to be 'bop' next season. my goal is to be a solid 'mop' racer the entire season. i need to start increasing my mileage in the next few weeks and get back in the pool to work on form. i am already better then 'mop' in the swim leg so if i can get even better maybe i can run 'fop' in atleast one leg of the race.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

weekly mileage

this is the last 3 weeks since i haven't been keeping up

last week
swim = 0
bike = 7 miles
run = 2.5 miles

swim = 0
bike = 7.5 miles
run = .5 mile

swim = 0
bike = 7 miles
run = 1.5 miles

11/22 WOD

strength: 'incline/ pull ups'

warm up:
rower 4 min
bike 2 min

incline press 5x5 = 135,145,155,165,175
pull up (1 rep max) = (bw-50, bw-30. bw*) *failure

'thruster' challenge (week3 #115) = 15 & 21 reps

weight (3 days ago) = 270 (home scale) not good


in october when i switched to a strength program i was doing heavy squats 3 days a week. as a result my hips started to become sore. well this month i have added the endurance training and my hips have been so sore i have been limping the last 3 days. i think i need to lay off the running & biking and just swim for awhile until i heal up 100%.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

no grains/ no sugar

over the last month and a half i have felt sluggish. i have decided to do another 30 day 'no grain/ no sugar' challenge. it is day three and i feel great. my energy levels are back and i am ready for 2-a-days for 7 days a week again.

11/18 WOD

endurance: 'bike TT'

bike 3.5 miles gv

time = 14:10

xfit: 'push jerk'

Push jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

(195,200,205,215,220*,220pr) *failure

'thruster' challenge (week3 #115) = 9 reps

Monday, November 17, 2008

11/17 WOD

xfit: 'helen'

3 rounds for time

400m run
21 kb swings
12 jumping pullups

my time = 11:47 PR

Sunday, November 16, 2008

11/16 WOD

brick: 'bike/ run'

bike 3.5 miles gv = 15:25

T2 = 1:30 (16:55)

run 1 mile rios = 10:12 (27:07)

total time = 27:07

'thruster' challenge (week 2 #95) = 21 reps

Saturday, November 15, 2008

11/14 WOD

endurance: 'interval run' (UCSD)

stadium stairs - 10 x 13 rows
1:20 rest between sets

200m - 1:20 rest
100m - 45 rest
50m - 2:00

Friday, November 14, 2008

11/13 WOD

8am (la jolla)
xfit: 'jason' (scaled)

80 squats
20 pull ups
60 squats
20 pull ups
40 squats
20 pull ups
20 squats
20 pull ups

my time = 21:30+ (est. - used cell phone)

'thruster' challenge (week 2 #95) = 15 reps

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

11/11 WOD

endurance: 'bike TT'

bike 7.5 miles pomorado

my time = 32:54

'thruster' challenge (week 2 #95) = 9 reps

Saturday, November 8, 2008

11/8 WOD

i have to say i am a bit disappointed with my performance today. i did #365 on my squats but didn't want to go heavier without a spot. my press was #190 which is a pr, but at the expense of re-aggravating my wrist injury. on my deads i shot too high at #435 missing twice only to drop the weight right before the top on my #415 attempt.

the good news is that i am getting deep on my squats so i consider this a true pr compared to the half squats i used to do. a true 1000lbs. cft next time!

xfit: 'cft'

squat: #365 pr (true deep squat)
press: #190 pr
dead: #405 (estimate)

cft = #960

endurance: 'bike TT'

bike 3.5 miles gv

my time = 13:50

'thruster' challenge (week 1 #65) = 21 reps

Friday, November 7, 2008

thruster form

here is a video i took of myself to see my form on my thrusters. i used flat shoes and tucked the bar under my chin. the first two reps i end up on my toes. then i widened my stance and i was able to stay back.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

11/6 WOD

endurance: 'bike TT'

bike 3.5 miles gv

my time = 13:40

'thruster' challenge (week 1 #65) = 15 reps

UCSB body composition results

last weekend i took a trip up north and stopped at UCSB to get an underwater body composition measurement. i weighed in at 265lbs. with 84lbs. of fat at 31.9%. My lean body mass is 180 and my ideal weight, he said, would be 225 at 20% body fat.

i am going to try and get this measurement every few months from here on out.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

11/4 WOD

it's been awhile since i have done an xfit routine and today i started back up again with a tougher wod named 'michael'. i felt like dying half way thru it but i ended up beating my personal best by 4 minutes. and that is after 4 weeks of no cardio training except for the 'cindy' challenge.

xfit: 'michael'

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 1.5 pood KB swings
50 Sit-ups

my time = 36:16 pr

'thruster' challenge (week 1 #65) = 9 reps

Sunday, November 2, 2008

inspirational video of the month

since my triathlon in the beginning of october i have been on a strength program in order to try to maintain as much strength as possible while losing weight. so i have up'd the calories in my diet and have also allowed grains & sugars. my weight is up about 4 pounds, but i have made some good strength gains.

unfortunatley between the lifting and the 'cindy' challenge last month my wrists are too sore. so i am going to switch up training programs again and focus on endurance in order to get ready for the Carlsbad Half marathon at the end of january. so my inspirational video this week is the Carlsbad half marathon from years past.

so my plan now is xfit endurance with 2-3 xfit metcons a week along with the november challenge.

11/2 WOD

strength: 'squat/ bench'

bike 4 min
row 3 min

squat: 4x5,1x3,1x8 - 135, 195, 240, 260/295/240
bench 4x5,1x3,1x8 -135, 145, 155, 165/185/155

dips: 3x (3 bw -30/ 5 bw -60/ 8 bw -100)
pull ups: 3x (3 bw -60/ 5 bw - 100/ 8 bw -140)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

11/1 rest day

preworkout weight = 262 (home scale)