Tuesday, February 17, 2009

2/17 WOD

i took a couple weeks off from working out to let my body heal. the back seems to be ok and so does the calf now. i got into the gym early, but i feel that my energy was as low as ever. after my second set off bench my front delt felt strained so i stopped doing bench.

strength: 'squat/bench'

squat 4x5 - 135,225,275,315
bench 2x5 - 135,185

pull ups 2x5 - bw-160,bw-130

incline situps 1x15
unassisted situp 1x15
back ext 2x15

endurance: 'run'

run - .5 miles

preworkout weight = 266 (garage scale)

burpup challenge: +2 = 2 total

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