Friday, July 31, 2009

7/31 CFSB

strength: 'snatch'

5x1 - 95,95,135,*175,*155 (*failure)

week 4: day 3 'thruster challenge' - 21 reps @ #135 (broken: 10,6,5)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

7/30 CFSB

endurance: 'bike TT'

distance = 2.5 miles (gv)

time = 9:24

strength: 'press/OHS'

push press 4x3 - 95,135,185,*245 (*failure: 2 reps)
overhead squat 2x3,(1x1),2x3 - 95,135,(185),135,135

incline sit ups 3x10 - 0,25,45

week 4: day 2 'thruster challenge' - 15 reps @ #135 (broken: 9,6)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

7/28 CFSB

strength: 'clean'

hang power clean 5x1 - 95,135,185,*215,215pr (*failure)

week 4: day 1 'thruster challenge' - 9 reps @ #135 unbroken

Monday, July 27, 2009

7/27 CFSB

strength: 'bench/squat/sott press'

bench 3x3 - 135,205,240
squat 4x3 - 135,225,315,415pr
sott press 3x1,2,3 - 45

unassisted situps 1x30
back extensions 2x10

week 3: day 3 'thruster challenge' - 21 reps @ #115 broken(12,9)

weight = 294 (gym scale)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

7/26 CFSB

endurance: 'bike TT'

distance = 6.5 miles (phs)

time = 25:44

Saturday, July 25, 2009

weekly mileage

swim = 0
bike = 5 miles
run = 1.25 miles

Thursday, July 23, 2009

7/23 CFSB

strength: 'snatch/dead'

hang power snatch 3x1 - 95,135,*165 (*failure)
deadlift 4x3 - 135,205,275,325

endurance: 'ladder run'

4 mins on/3 mins off, 2 mins on/ 30 sec off, 1 min on/ 3 min off, 2 min on/ 30 sec off, 4 min on/ done...

distance = 1.25 miles

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

7/22 CFSB

strength: 'press/front squat'

push press 4x3 - 95,135,185,235pr
front squat 2x3,(1x1),2x3 - 95,135,(185),135,135
incline press 3x(15,12,9) - 135

incline sit ups 3x10 - 0,25,45

rack position

endurance: 'bike: hill repeats'

3 x .5 miles (rios)

time = 1:50, 1:57, 1:58

week 3: day 2 'thruster challenge' - 15 reps @ #115 unbroken

Monday, July 20, 2009

7/20 CFSB

strength: 'bench/squat/sott press'

bench 3x5 - 135,205,*255 (*failure: 1 rep)
squat 4x5 - 135,225,315,405pr
sott press 1x5 - 45

xfit: 'clean/burpee'

3 rounds for time:
5 hang power cleans #95
5 burpee to box jump 12"

my time = 2:24

week 3: day 1 'thruster challenge' - 9 reps @ #115 unbroken

Sunday, July 19, 2009

7/19 CFSB

endurance: 'bike: TT'

bike 3.5 miles (gv)

my time = 13:27

Saturday, July 18, 2009

weekly mileage

bike = 0 miles
run= 1.5 miles

7/18 CFSB

long metcon day. i used the last main page WOD and scaled it. so instead of 30 muscle ups i did 120 jumping dips & 120 jumping pull ups. i was able to set pr by 22 seocnds from my 5/31 wod.

xfit: 'pullups/dips'

120 jumping pull ups
120 jumping dips

my time = 12:43pr

Friday, July 17, 2009

7/17 CFSB

strength: 'snatch'

snatch 4x1 - 65,95,115,165pr

unassisted situps 1x30

endurance: 'stroller ladder run'

1min on, 1 min off, 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on, 40 sec off, 1 min on, 30 sec off, 1 min on 20 sec off, 1 min on, 10 sec off, then go back up the ladder until you finish with 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on

distance = 1.12 miles

week 2: day 3 'thruster challenge' - 21 reps @ #95 unbroken

Thursday, July 16, 2009

7/16 CFSB

strength: 'OHS/press'

OHS 3x3 - 95,135,185,225* (*failure: 1 rep)
strict press 3x3 - 135,165,195pr

xfit: 'thruster/burpee'

2 rounds for time:
5 thrusters #135
5 burpees

my time = 1:22

week 2: day 2 'thruster challenge' - 15 reps @ #95 unbroken

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

7/14 CFSB

strength: 'clean'

hang power clean 4x1 - 95,135,185,205pr

incline situps 3x10 - 0,25,45

endurance: 'hill repeats'

2 x 200m hill run (5minute recoveries)

1st time - 1:17
2nd time - 1:17

Monday, July 13, 2009

inspirational video of the month

Le Tour De France. I love watching this everyday, all day.

7/13 CFSB

strength: 'bench/squat/press'

bench 3x3 - 135,185,255pr
squat 4x3 - 135,225,315,405pr
press 1x15,1x12,1x9 - 115

xfit: 'baby rocky'

as many rounds possible in 3 minutes:
20 body bag punches
20 jump ropes
sprint 15yds
5 jumping pull ups
sprint 15yds

rounds = 3 +12 body bag punches

week 2: day 1 'thruster challenge' - 9 reps @ #95 unbroken

Saturday, July 11, 2009

weekly mileage

bike = 2.5 miles
run= .5 miles

7/11 CFSB

i was truly amazed today that i set a pr on this 2.5 mile ride. i haven't rode a bike in a month and i barely do any metcons. i am also 20+lbs heavier then i was last year when i rode a few times a week. i think this is a testament to my strength training and the 30 day burpup challenge. i could tell my leg muscles didn't feel as conditioned for the high reps as they used to be, but i could feel that i was able to power myself thru the ride traveling at a good speed.


endurance: 'bike TT'

2.5 miles (gv)

time = 9:15pr

Friday, July 10, 2009

7/10 CFSB

strength: 'snatch/dead'

power snatch 3x1 - 95,115,155pr
deadlift 4x3 - 135,205,275,325

unassisted situps 1x30

cffb: 'rope,swing,pullup'

4 rounds for time:
20 jump ropes
8 KB swings 1.5 pood
5 jumping pull ups

my time = 4:26

Thursday, July 9, 2009

7/9 CFSB

strength: 'OHS/press/incline'

OHS 3x3 - 95,135,185,195
push press 3x3 - 135,185,225pr
incline 1x15 - 135

endurance: 'run: tabata'

8 rounds of 20 seconds on/ 10 seconds off

my distance = 800m

week 1: day 3 'thruster challenge' - 21 reps @ #65 unbroken

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

7/7 CFSB

strength: 'Clean/Dead'

hang power clean 8x1 - 95,115,135,155,175,185,195pr,*205 *(failure)
deadlift 1x15 -135

incline situps 3x10

week 1: day 2 'thruster challenge' - 15 reps @ #65 unbroken

Monday, July 6, 2009

7/6 CFSB

i am still sick. it has moved from my nasal/sinuous to my ears. so frustrating.


strength: 'bench/squat/press'

bench 3x5 - 135,185,250* *(failure: 3 reps, 2 assisted)
squat 4x5 - 135,225,315,390* *(failure: 4 reps,1 not deep)
press 1x20 - 95

day 1 'thruster challenge' = 9 reps @ #65

Saturday, July 4, 2009

weekly mileage

i got a bad cold this week and haven't worked out since monday.
