Sunday, August 31, 2008

inspirational video of the week

this week i picked videos of triathlon transitions. i have been working on these myself over the last week with all the brick training.

8/31 WOD

today i did a protein drink after my 14 burpee to pull ups and before my run. i felt fine. i also ate a date/ banana/ almond bar yesterday before the wod and that digested fine also.

xfit endurance: 'intervals'

run: 800m x 2

1st = 4:17 (level 1 fitness goal)
2nd = 5:49

burpee to pull up challenge +14 (56 total)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

weekly mileage

i am going to try to keep track of my totals from every week of training so i can gauge where i am at physically.

swim = 1500m
bike = 16 miles
run = 5 miles

8/30 WOD

i couldn't find a track that didn't have a high school football game or was locked up so i couldn't do my level 1 800m or my 4 x 400m xfit WOD. so i decided to brick a long bike route with a short run.

i have a 2.5 mile course i know around the neighborhood. there is a section i can add a 1 mile loop on repeatedly. so today i thru on 3 extra loops to make it a 5.5 mile ride with a 800m run.

something that was of some importance and worth noting is that i ran the entire half mile without walking once. I really slowed the pace down but i wanted to see if i could do it. i am happy that i pulled that off especially after a 5.5 mile bike ride. my legs for some reason feel stronger after a brick. don't know why?

Brick: 'bike/run'

bike 5.5 miles (:00 - 26:30)
run .5 miles (27:30 - 32:35)

my time = 32:35

burpee to pull up challenge +12 (42 total)

Friday, August 29, 2008

8/29 WOD

Today i had a chance to practice transitions. i had to switch from swim trunks to biker shorts and that is not a good idea. hopefully i'll get a pair of tri shorts so i can speed it up.

i also ate a banana and had a glass of water before the bike and i felt fine. i drank a little water before the run.

i practiced taking off my bike shoe while still on the bike while coming to a stop. i only got 1 done. this is going to take practice.

Brick: 'swim/bike/run'

swim 500m (:00-9:00)
bike 4.5 miles (13:00-37:00)
run 1 mile (38:00-51:05)

my time = 51:05

burpee to pull up challenge +10 (30 total)

preworkout weight = #265

Thursday, August 28, 2008

8/28 WOD

xfit endurance: 'Tempo'

Bike: 20 minutes

distance = 3.65 miles

Brick: 'bike/run'

bike - 2 mile
run - 1/2 mile

my time = 16:23

burpee to pull up challenge: +8 (20 total)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

8/27 WOD

xfit endurance: '20 seconds'

Sprint/Recover: 3 rounds of (20sec/60sec, 20sec/50sec, 20sec/40sec, 20sec/30sec, 20sec/20sec, 20sec/10sec) Start next round after 10 sec rest... Report total distances each round

xfit: 'WOD'

30 Handstand push-ups
40 Pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
60 Sit-ups
70 Burpees

my time = 26:52

burpee to pull up challenge = +6 (12 total)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Carlsbad Half Marathon

I am contemplating signing up for the Carlsbad half marathon on January 25th. 13.1 miles is a lot of miles to log on my big body. I think I wall start to prepare for this, but will take it slow and any indication of overtraining I'll shut it down, rest, & reevaluate.

Plan: (weekly distance) with one interval run during week

August 31 - Brick
September 7 - 4 miles
September 14 - Brick
September 21 - 5 miles
September 28 - Brick
October 5 - (Triathlon)
October 12 - 3 miles
October 19 - 7 miles
October 26 - 3 miles
November 2 - 8 miles
November 9 - 3 miles
November 16 - 9 miles
November 23 - 3 miles
November 30 - 10 miles
December 7 - 3 miles
December 14 - 11 miles
December 21 - 3 miles
December 28 - 12 miles
January 4 - 3 miles
January 11 - 12.5 miles
January 18 - 3 miles
January 25 - 13.1 miles

burpee to pull up challenge = +4

Monday, August 25, 2008

inspirational video of the week

i just picked up my new bike today after having it assembled. I am really excited about it and can't wait to start training on it. tomorrow i am going to take it around the block a few times to figure out how to ride it before training on it wed.

so this week i picked some bicycle training videos to get me focused.

8/25 WOD

xfit endurance: 'swim: hill repeats'

Swim: 10 x 100m/y holding fastest possible pace without deviating more than 5 sec... 15 sec recoveries

laps times:
1 - 1:31
2 - 1:31
3- 1:27
4- 1:30
5 - 1:27
6 - 1:31
7 - 1:28
8 - 1:29
9 - 1:29
10 - 1:27


xfit: "Murph"

For time:
1 mile Run
100 Jumping Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

my time = 1:07:30

burpee to pull up challenge = +2

Sunday, August 24, 2008

8/24 WOD

it's been a few weeks but i have finally knock off another level 1 goal. this one was a challenge for me. on the past 2 attempts over a month ago i came up 30 seconds short of the 2K row time of 8:10.

today i went into the gym early only eating a few pieces of watermelon a half hour before. my energy has been low lately but i wanted another crack at this one.i set a 1:56/500m pace early but watched it dwindle and dwindle. the last 100m i really cranked it up. in the last 30m i bonked but was able to cruise past the end line in 2:09.4. i just made it! the lower resistance setting really helped. that was good advice from whoever left that on the board.

xfit endurance: '2k row TT'

2000m row for time

my time = 8:09.4 Level 1 fitness goal

xfit: 'run/ press'

Run 800 meters
95 pound Shoulder press, 21 reps
Run 800 meters
95 pound Push press, 21 reps
Run 800 meters
95 pound Push Jerk, 21 reps

my time = 23:23

Saturday, August 23, 2008

8/23 WOD

xfit endurance: 'intervals'

Swim: 2 x 25m/y (30sec recovery, hold within 1 sec of each other) + 2 x 50m/y (30sec recovery, hold within 2 sec of each other) + 2 x 100m/y (45sec recovery, hold within 3 sec of each other) + 2 x 200m/y (1 min recovery, holding within 4 sec of each other)

Friday, August 22, 2008

8/22 WOD

xfit: 'angie'

For time:
100 Jumping Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

my time = 26:36 PR (29:06 old mark)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

8/21 WOD

xfit: 'helen'

Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups

my time = 13:20 PR (14:26 old mark)

xfit endurance: 'rocky'
Goal is to use maximum effort for 2 min interval.

120:60 x 6 or 2 min on 1 minute off x 6

bodybag 120/145/146

jump rope 63/62/62

total = 598

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

8/20 WOD

am weight = 264 (home scale)

xfit endurance: 'TT swim'
Swim: SC: 800m time trial

6 x 25m drill sets
16 laps

my time = 14:00

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

8/19 WOD

xfit endurance: 'one minute of hell'

run: Goal is to use maximum effort for 1 min interval. No Fouls if all out efforts.

1min on, 1 min off, 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on, 40 sec off, 1 min on, 30 sec off, 1 min on 20 sec off, 1 min on, 10 sec off, then go back up the ladder... 1 min on, 20 sec off, until you finish with 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on.

my distance (est.) = 1.5 miles

Monday, August 18, 2008

8/18 WOD

"Tabata Something Else"

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

total reps from all 32 intervals = 273

pu = 8/7/8/8/8/8/8/8
sit = 8/8/8/7/7/7/6/7
push = 8/7/8/7/8/6/6/9
squat = 10/10/10/10/13/12/13/15

inspirational video of the week

this week with the combination of olympics on tv and myself just beginning my 6 week triathlon training program i chose the olympis triathlon trials as my vid of the week.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

5K race results

well i ran the race today!

i think i did fairly decent considering i set some new pr's in my mile pacing. the thrill of the crowd really pushed me.

i did what everyone said and took it slow in the beginning. 30 seconds on then 30 seconds off which was even lighter then my training of 40 on & 20 off. somewhere around 500m i started to lose track off my stop watch because i was so busy navigating the crowds. so i used it as a rough estimate from time to time and i listened to my body as best i could.

i drank way, way too much water in the am prior to the race. i ended up getting lower stomach cramps at about the first mile. it didn't deter me. i felt i trained too hard to let some pain mess up my race.

i am a pretty big guy at 266 so i used other big guys in the field as my competitors to push me. i came across 4 bigger guys and i passed them all at some point during the race. the last guy was giving me a bit of a challange. i would pass him, then he would pass me, and then finally he was in front of me as we came around the last turn. i saw the finish line and my eyes lit up. i just kicked it in high gear and began sprinting the last 150m. i flew by him and never looked back. i began passing more and more runners. then my cardio started to hit its capacity with 50m left, but i refused to slow down before the finish line. as i crossed the start finish i was so gassed i was barely able to keep my body upright as i battled to catch my breath.

the pose running technique really has helped. it has made running pain free plus the style lends to nice strides with the floating that really allows me to run with alot of speed. i can't wait till i can run a whole 5k straight thru with the pose technique without walking. my times will really drop.

my unofficial time = 35:02

official time = 34:58 (11:15 mile pace)

# of runners = 1308

834th overall
376th sex
57th age group

Saturday, August 16, 2008

night before race

i set the alarm for 5am and i already have everything ready to go. i am going to grab 2 bananas and almonds to eat in the car. i have a heating pad to help get my lower legs warm in the car. i am going to get there 45 minutes before the start so i can warm up.

Can't wait!!!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

8/13 WOD

last time my cft total was #1080. today i set a goal of #1200 and came up a bit shy at #1150. these results were pretty good though. i set pr's in every category. i am still not all the way down to parallel on my squats. i think i still need to loose more weight so my body can bend easier with balance.


xfit: 'CFT'

Press = #185 PR
Back Squat = #550 PR
Deadlift = #415 PR

total = #1150

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

inspirational video of the week

this week i want to focus on some breast stroke drills. I incorperated this a few times into my swimming and i will continue as i start to train for the triathlon right after sunday's 5k.

8/12 WOD

xfit endurance: '15 minute swim'
as many laps as possible in 15 minutes

total laps = 11.5

xfit: 'ghd/back ext/thrust/pull up'

10 Sit-ups (sub)
10 45lb good mornings (sub)
95 pound Thrusters, 30 reps
50 jumping Pull-ups (sub)

30 Sit-ups
30 45lb good mornings
95 pound Thrusters, 20 reps
35 jumping Pull-ups

50 Sit-ups
50 45lb good mornings
95 pound Thrusters, 10 reps
20 jumping Pull-ups

my time = 26:00

my weight = 269!!!! (home scale)

Monday, August 11, 2008

8/11 WOD

xfit endurance: 'swim: sprints'
6 x 25m drill sets
20 x 25m - 1 minute rest between sets

post workout weight - 270 (home scale)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

8/10 WOD

i was lucky that the wod that was posted on was a 5k run. i was going to run 2.5 miles today anyway to train for next weeks 5k. so i stuck with my program.

xfit: '2.5 mile run'
road course (same as last week)

my time = 24:28

*i beat last weeks time by 26 seconds

Saturday, August 9, 2008

8/9 WOD

i did the wod in the morning. i really felt drained. i hit the wall early in the workout.

xfit: 'hang squat cleans/ rope climb'
5 rounds for time: 'sub'd 15 jumping towel pull ups for rope climbs'

135 pound Hang squat clean, 9 reps*
45 jumping towel pull ups

my time = 27:18

*1st set was @ rx'd 155 but dropped weight to 135 to keep stricter form

* (injury) this workout set me back a few months as far as my forearm was concerned. it has been over three months (november) and it is slowly starting to feel functional again.

Friday, August 8, 2008

8/8 WOD

today is an xfit rest day. i already swam sprints this morning, plan on running sprints later, and have to do 25 burpees for eating grains.

I did really well on the swim by gettting faster on every attempt.

endurance: 'swim'
sprints: 3 sets 50m, 100m, 150m with 1:30 rest between sets

my time: (attempts 1st/2nd/3rd)
50m = 40/40/35 sec.
100m = 1:30/1:25/1:20 sec.
150m = 2:23/2:22/2:12 sec.

xfit diet: 'burpees'
(punishment for grains)

25 burpees

my time = 3:50

endurance: 'sprints'

6 x 50m with 30 seconds rest

*last lap was my fastest = :05.78

Thursday, August 7, 2008

8/7 WOD

Level 1 goal - 1/2 BW High Pull


endurance: 'swim'
1500m (30laps)

my time = 28:14

xfit: 'karen'
150 wall balls (#10*)

my time = 8:28

*i didn't have a #20 MB so i pre-exhausted my delts with 3 sets of #95 barbell presses.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

body measurements

neck: 19 (19.5 flexed)
chest: 52.5
biceps: 16.5 L, 16 R
waist: 50.5 (47.5 sucked in)
hips: 43.5
thighs: 26 L 26.5 R
calves: 17.5

preworkout weight = 270 (home scale/ 275 (more accurate home scale)

Mission Bay Triathlon

So I signed up for my first triathlon today. It will take place October 5th in Mission Bay.

I am going to continue to train for my 5k but after august 17th I am committed to tri training.

I will probably alternate swim, run, and bike 6 days a week along with my normal xfit WOD's.

8/6 WOD

yesterday was a low calorie day for me and so far today i have stayed low calorie. i am not sure how that effected my workout but i felt like i hit the wall at the 10 minute mark instead of the late teens like ussual. The one arm dumbell snatches could have done that to me though. they are second to burpees in the way they exhaust me.

xfit: 'one arm #45 db snatch/pull ups'

45 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, left arm, 21 reps
45 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, right arm, 21 reps
42 jumping Pull-ups
45 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, left arm, 15 reps
45 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, right arm, 15 reps
30 jumping Pull-ups
45 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, left arm, 9 reps
45 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, right arm, 9 reps
18 jumping Pull-ups

my time = 20:39

endurance: 'swim'
15 laps

my time = 15:00

*i lost my ear plug and lost time looking for it.

preworkout weight = 270 (home scale)/ 275 (more accurate home scale)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

21 day no grain/ no sugar challange

i just agreed on a xfit message board thread to not eat grains or suger for 21 days.

actually since i want this to be sustainable for a lifetime i decided to allow 1 grain a day.

inspirational video of the week

with a triatholon coming up in october i really need to get my swim down. so this week i want to focus on swim drills and technique.

8/5 WOD

endurance: '2.5 mile run'
road courase

my time = 24:54

xfit: 'back squat'
5 x 5

1st- #315
2nd- #405
3rd- #415
4th- #455
5th- #225

Monday, August 4, 2008

8/4 rest day

my weight = 272.5 (home scale)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

8/3 WOD

xfit: 'griff'

For time:
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards

my time = 20:11

bodyboard: 2 hours

Saturday, August 2, 2008

8/2 WOD

xfit: 'run/thrust/pull up'

run 800 meters
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
15 jumping Pull-ups

run 600 meters
95 pound Thruster, 18 reps
12 jumping Pull-ups

run 400 meters
95 pound Thruster, 15 reps
9 jumping Pull-ups

Rest 2 minutes between each round. Time each round separately and post times to comments.

my time:
1st = 7:28
2nd = 6:20
3rd = 4:27

Friday, August 1, 2008

8/1 WOD

endurance: 'swim'
15 laps

my time = 14:24

bodyboard = 2hours

xfit: 'pull ups/dips'
120 jumping pull ups
120 jumping dips

my time = 14:11