Sunday, August 17, 2008

5K race results

well i ran the race today!

i think i did fairly decent considering i set some new pr's in my mile pacing. the thrill of the crowd really pushed me.

i did what everyone said and took it slow in the beginning. 30 seconds on then 30 seconds off which was even lighter then my training of 40 on & 20 off. somewhere around 500m i started to lose track off my stop watch because i was so busy navigating the crowds. so i used it as a rough estimate from time to time and i listened to my body as best i could.

i drank way, way too much water in the am prior to the race. i ended up getting lower stomach cramps at about the first mile. it didn't deter me. i felt i trained too hard to let some pain mess up my race.

i am a pretty big guy at 266 so i used other big guys in the field as my competitors to push me. i came across 4 bigger guys and i passed them all at some point during the race. the last guy was giving me a bit of a challange. i would pass him, then he would pass me, and then finally he was in front of me as we came around the last turn. i saw the finish line and my eyes lit up. i just kicked it in high gear and began sprinting the last 150m. i flew by him and never looked back. i began passing more and more runners. then my cardio started to hit its capacity with 50m left, but i refused to slow down before the finish line. as i crossed the start finish i was so gassed i was barely able to keep my body upright as i battled to catch my breath.

the pose running technique really has helped. it has made running pain free plus the style lends to nice strides with the floating that really allows me to run with alot of speed. i can't wait till i can run a whole 5k straight thru with the pose technique without walking. my times will really drop.

my unofficial time = 35:02

official time = 34:58 (11:15 mile pace)

# of runners = 1308

834th overall
376th sex
57th age group

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