Friday, August 8, 2008

8/8 WOD

today is an xfit rest day. i already swam sprints this morning, plan on running sprints later, and have to do 25 burpees for eating grains.

I did really well on the swim by gettting faster on every attempt.

endurance: 'swim'
sprints: 3 sets 50m, 100m, 150m with 1:30 rest between sets

my time: (attempts 1st/2nd/3rd)
50m = 40/40/35 sec.
100m = 1:30/1:25/1:20 sec.
150m = 2:23/2:22/2:12 sec.

xfit diet: 'burpees'
(punishment for grains)

25 burpees

my time = 3:50

endurance: 'sprints'

6 x 50m with 30 seconds rest

*last lap was my fastest = :05.78

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