Tuesday, December 30, 2008

12/30 WOD

endurance: 'bike TT'

bike 3.5 miles gv

my time = 12:53pr

Monday, December 29, 2008

Sunday, December 28, 2008

12/28 WOD

i almost didn't do this wod today. the holidays have taken over my life & diet. HELP!!!

endurance: 'run tt'

run 1 mile - rios

my time = 9:30 (pr for road course mile)

preworkout weight = 270 (garage scale)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

10/24 rest day

pre xmas weight = 273 (home scale)

Monday, December 22, 2008

12/22 WOD

strength: 'ohs/sdhp/ incline'

ohs 4x5 = #95,#115,#135,#155
sdhp 3x5 = #95,#135,#155
incline 3x5 = #135,#155,#175

thruster challenge: 9 reps @ #155 (5,4)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

12/21 WOD

i am very happy with my performance today considering that my mileage has really fallen off to the point of not doing any endurance training last week. but there is a tri coming up at the end of february and i need to start focusing. today was a great first day towards that goal by setting a personal best in this brick workout.


brick: 'bike/run'

bike 3.5 miles (gv) = 13:08 (:00 - 13:08)
T2 = 1:17 (13:08 - 14:35)
run 1 mile = 10:59 (14:35 - 25:34)

total time 25:34pr

preworkout weight = 265 (garage scale)

weekly mileage

disappointing! on 2/21 there is the triton triathlon here in san diego so i need to start getting my mileage up again.


Friday, December 19, 2008

12/19 WOD

this was the same wod that was part of the 3 wod's during the xfit games. my time was 13minutes + then and today i nailed it in 10:34. eventhough i have mentally been fatigues my body is definitely still making gains.


xfit: 'strength/ DL, burpees'

press 3x5 - (135,155,165*) *push press
back squat 5x5 - (135,185,225,275,305)

xfit: 5 rounds for time
5 #275 deadlifts
10 burpees
my time = 10:34pr

sit ups - 2x15

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

12/16 WOD

doing the pull ups in the squat rack was tough. i was only able to do singles so i only did 5 reps per round.


warm up:
bike 3 min
rower 3 min

strength: 'bench/ front sqt/ overhead sqt'

bench 4x5 - (135/155/175/195)
front squat 2x5 - (95/95)
overhead squat 4x5 - (95/95/115/135)

xfit: 'bench jumps/deads/pull ups'

3 rounds for time:
25 bench jumps (24")
11 deadlifts (#185)
5 jumping pull ups (in squat rack 1-1-1-1-1)

my time =10:25

thruster challenge (week 5) 9 reps @ #145 (5-4)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

weekly mileage

swim= 0
bike = 3.5 miles
run= 0

Friday, December 12, 2008

12/12 WOD

endurance: 'bike TT'

bike 3.5 miles gv

my time = 14:24

Thursday, December 11, 2008

12/11 WOD


warm up:
10 min
cfwu & soccer drills

xfit: 'annie'

50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of:
single unders
sit ups

my time = 16:00

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

12/9 WOD

skills: 'soccer drills'

30 minutes - footwork/ dribbling skills

Monday, December 8, 2008

12/8 WOD

xfit: 'strength, lunge/db swing'

warm up:
bike 4 min
row 2 min

push jerk: 1-1-1-1-1-1
= (95,135,205,225pr, 245*, 235*) *failure

Five rounds for time of:
50 pound dumbbell, walking lunge, 10 alternating steps
50 pound dumbbell, swing, 15 reps

my time = 7:25

sit ups 3x15

soccer game

Sunday, December 7, 2008

weekly mileage

the last two weeks

last week:
swim= 0
bike = 3.5 miles
run= 0

week before:
swim= 0
bike = 3.5 miles
run= 0

Saturday, December 6, 2008

12/6 WOD

there are two reasons my time dropped dramatically: 1) i am doing proper depth thrusters compared to the quarter squats i used to do. 2) my back is not as condition as it was.

xfit: 'fran'

95lb thrusters
jumping pull ups

my time = 8:01

Friday, December 5, 2008

inspirational video of the month

this month i wanted to focus on my fitness level goal of 'christine'. the first time i did it i made it under the level 1 time of 15:00 but unfortunately i used the wrong weight on my deadlifts. i used #135 instead of body weight which was #275 at the time. so i tried this again a few weeks ago with the right weight (#265) and could only come up with the time of 20:44. so hopefully this video inspires me to get my metcon in gear.

12/5 WOD

xfit: 'push press'

warm up:
bike 3min
row 3min

push press:
1-1-1-1-1-1 = (135,205,225*,225pr,235*,230*) *failure

sit ups 2x20
back ext 2x10

thruster challenge 21 reps #135

weight = 264 (garage scale)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

12/3 WOD

endurance: 'bike TT'

bike 3.5 miles gv

my time = 12:59 pr

preworkout weight = 265 (garage scale)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

12/2 WOD

xfit: 'shoulder press/ foundational movements'

press 1-1-1-1-1-1 = (135,195*,185,190*,190*,185, 135) *failure

tabata air squats = 8 rounds (6 reps a round)

deadlift 5x5 (light) = #135,#135,#135,#135,#135

thruster challenge 15 reps #135