Monday, September 1, 2008

9/1 WOD

today was the first day i tried my man-dex. it wasn't pretty, but it was pretty efficient at drying off during the bike ride. the only problem was the padding wasn't that great. i might buy a pair of izumes since they seem a little thicker then my nautilus, but the nautilus were only $20.

two days ago my back bothered me a bit at the end of the 5.5 mile bike ride. today it still feels stiff but didn't bother me on the ride. i kept it short at 2.5 miles to lightly test my back today.

brick: 'swim/bike'

1000m swim - (:00 - 17:00)
2.5 mile bike - (21:00 - 32:17)

time = 32:17

burpee to pull up challenge +16 (72 total)

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