Sunday, September 14, 2008

9/14 WOD

i ate a banana & walnuts for breakfast. then an 8oz (20g) protein drink. i also had a banana between swim and bike transitions. i had one bite between the bike and run. i drank water between each transition and a few times on the bike while going up hill. i totally felt fine the whole time.


brick: 'swim/bike/run'

swim 500m = 8:08 (8:08)

- 4:52 transistion

bike 6 miles = 40:00 (27:00)

- 1:20 transition

run 2 miles = 1:06:06 (24:14)

total time = 1:06:06

burpee to pull up +42 (462 total)

post workout weight = 261 (home scale)

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