Friday, April 24, 2009


so the come back from the two month lay off has been tough. 1) the new baby has made my sleep patterns fall apart. 2) my diet is poor so i don't have the fuel for working out.

i have a few nagging injuries that is making the come back a little tougher. 1) my shin splints or compartment syndrome is back. too much running on the pavement. i need to take off the shoes and do some work in the grass. 2) i have a deep shoulder pain in my right arm on any pressing movements. i am guessing that it is rotator and that i need to condition it with light weights first. 3) my wrists are still sore under heavy barbell work or push ups. no ideas for a solution here. i took two months off it should have healed.

none the less i am going to make adjustments to my training and keep at it.

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