Sunday, November 2, 2008

inspirational video of the month

since my triathlon in the beginning of october i have been on a strength program in order to try to maintain as much strength as possible while losing weight. so i have up'd the calories in my diet and have also allowed grains & sugars. my weight is up about 4 pounds, but i have made some good strength gains.

unfortunatley between the lifting and the 'cindy' challenge last month my wrists are too sore. so i am going to switch up training programs again and focus on endurance in order to get ready for the Carlsbad Half marathon at the end of january. so my inspirational video this week is the Carlsbad half marathon from years past.

so my plan now is xfit endurance with 2-3 xfit metcons a week along with the november challenge.


Brad said...

The plan is good. Keep the randomness as much as possible.

the get in shape dude said...

i really do believe in periodization. it's nice to tax the different energy systems. i also believe in doing the same with the diet.

Unknown said...

I was just looking at your info via the CF message mentioned that you're looking to keep your strength so you've upped your calories. I honestly feel that (for me) dropping body fat was/is the single biggest determining factor in my performance gains - across the board. My strenght has stayed increased a little but all my other numbers have gotten MUCH better. The difference you will feel with 20% (and less) body fat will be significant compared to any of your strength gains by eating more.

the get in shape dude said...

i agree with you jason and thanks for the advice.

i have dropped 40lbs so far and i see a performance gain all around. i actually needed a break from all the hard endurance training and paleo diet. it might have been just as much mental as it was physical. plus i felt like i could make linear gains going back to a pure strength program. but this month i am back on board and focusing on high nutrition foods.