Saturday, October 18, 2008

10/18 WOD

Strength: 'squat/bench'

warm up:
bike 4 min
rower 2 min

squat 4x5/1x3/1x8 = 135/185/225/245/280/225
bench 4x5/1x3/1x8 = 115/135/145/155/175/145

Dips 3x5 = BW -60

day 13 - 'cindy' = 13 round not for time


Brad said...

Are you doing SS?

Good numbers.

the get in shape dude said...

kind of. the program i am using is bill starr's starting strength minus bent over rows.

after the race i wanted to give my over taxed system a break so i cut down the cardio to once a week, added the 20 day cindy challenge, and went back to a strength program to regain what i lost with all the endurance training.