Thursday, July 17, 2008

7/17 WOD

the workout got broken up about 6 minutes in when an old friend i hadn't seen in 8 years came over for a few minutes. oh well.

xfit: 'pushups/dips/pushpress'
as many rounds possible in 20:00
15 push ups
12 (jumping) dips
9 #115 push press

my total = 5 rounds in 17:57

xfit endurance: 'interval training (hill)'
200m steep hill/ rest on walk back down
1st - 1:41
2nd - 1:50
3rd - 1:42
4th - 1:35

I am really proud of my times. i thought i was going to lose time each round after I saw that I dropped 9 seconds on the second attampt. but i pushed really hard and almost beat my first time on my third attempt. and then on my last attempt i kicked ass and got it done 6 seconds faster then the first.

on the last attempt i was really leaning forward and basically was falling up hill. i would just get my legs under me in time before i fell. i think this made the difference in my time because it was more efficient and used less energy.

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