Wednesday, June 4, 2008

6/4 WOD

I had to split my routine today into an afternoon back workout and late afternoon bicep workout, because I had some errands to run this afternoon. I had a little catch in my back from the night before but I decided that I could work thru it and it wasn't a problem.

Warm up:
3 min bike
2 min rower

3 sets - pull-ups (210/190/170)
3 sets - deadlift (135/225/185)
4 sets - pull downs (80/160/190/220)
3 sets - close grip cable row (110/130/150)
3 sets - standing wide grip cable front pull down (80/60/70)
3 sets - alternating arm reverse grip hammer machine pull downs (45/90/70) each side

2 warm up sets - preacher curl machine
3 sets - ez bar curls to the forhead (55/65/75)
3 super sets - rope cable curls/ incline DB curls (75/85/90)/(20)
3 sets - standing alternating arm DB Curl (35/32.5/32.5)
2 sets - DB preacher curl (20)
2 super sets - preacher BB curl/ alt. arm DB preacher (30/40) (10)
3 sets - DB hammer curls (37.5)

post work out weight = 278 (home scale), 284 (more accurate home scale)

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