Monday, June 30, 2008

6/30 WOD

today was another busy day. i wanted to limit the sets this week anywayand i did so today. i started the xfit routine called 'the bear' but i lightened it to only 3 rounds instead of 5. i didn't want to overstress the delts 2 days before my workout. i also rested a few times during the sets which i wasn't supposed to but i had to scale it back.

warm up:
2 min bike
3 min eliptical
2 min rower

xfit: "the cubbie"
3 rounds of 7 sets: post lift total
hang clean
front squat
push press
back squat
push press

#= (95/95/95)

3 sets: incline bb press (135/155/135)
3 sets: flat bench db flyes (50/60/60)
3 sets: incline db press (60/70/60)
4 sets: dips (weight assisted 180/150/120/100)
3 sets: alternating arm hammer flat press (45/70/70 each side)

3 supersets: straight bar cable pushdowns/two hand overhead db extension/ rope cable pushdowns (150,65,50/150,65,60/150,65,60)

swimming: 1 hour

*yesterday: 20 minute bike ride

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