Monday, June 23, 2008

6/23 WOD

today i had to split my lifting routine because of errands and it was a good thing. later in the afternoon i did my own xfit routine called 'rocky'.

i accomplished a level 1 xfit goal of a 500m row in 1:49 today.

warmup: xfit level 1 goal on rower

2 warm up sets: machine press
5 sets: incline BB bench press (135/155/175/155/135)
3 sets: smith machine on ball bench press (135/185/135)
4 sets: high cable crossovers (65/75/85/95)
3 supersets: incline db flye/ incline db press (30/40/45)

2 warm up sets: machine extensions
2 sets: tricep pressdown machine (150/200)
3 sets: ez bar lying skull crushers (70/85/85)
3 supersets: straight bar cable pushdown/ overhead 2 hand db tricep extension/ rope cable pushdowns (100,40,40/120,45,50/150,45,60)
3 sets: reverse grip lying db skull crushers (22.5/22.5/22.5)

xfit: 'rocky'
3 rounds for time
100 body bag punches
20 15lb kettlebell swings
20 jump ropes

my time = 7:28

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