Thursday, June 5, 2008

Realizing I am old school

The more time I spend at the gym the more I realize I am old school. Considering I began lifting weights when stores still sold plastic water filled weights, men had mullets, and women pulled their pants up to their rib cage. It seems that the newer generation is still doing the same basic moves as myself, but with a twist like lying on a ball while performing the movement.

Right now I am going to stay within my routine, but I think I am going to start incorperating one of the newer exercises per workout. Today I used the medicine ball tosses at the end of my shoulder routine to add a different stress on my muscles.

What I am really interested in is the crossfit routine. I still think I am a ways off physically before I would want to approach that routine. But I really like the way the routines are creative and time based. I figure once I get sufficient strength to pound out some pull ups then I will be ready to approach the crossfit program for a few months.

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